The games and comics from the crossover franchise are predominately set in the same era as the film Aliens and as such, the Colonial Marines and Aliens resemble that film's setting and style the most. Predator (franchise)Īliens Versus Predator: Extinction takes place in a crossover universe between the Alien franchise and the Predator franchise, both owned by 20th Century Fox. The single player campaign spans 21 missions, with 7 levels per species. This queen continuously lays eggs until the population cap has been reached. In order to generate eggs that can infest host units, Aliens must maintain a queen unit at their hive.

All Aliens, with the exception of "pure-bred" strains, have specific hosts that generate them. Unlike humans and Predators, Aliens cannot summon specific units at will and must instead bring corresponding host species to their hive to infest them. There is only one Predator support unit, which improves the rate of energy regeneration.Īlien units gain resources by either killing or immobilizing opponents, which can be used on upgrades to specific units. Predators can self-heal and cloak themselves, but deplete energy reserves when doing so. As the units gain honor, more units can be summoned via drop pods. Predator units can only gain resources by killing opponents, which is granted via an "honor" system. Marine units are entirely medium to long range fighters and have support units to perform specific actions that aren't available to humans like other species (such as healing). These credits can be spent on upgrading existing units or calling in new ones via dropship, which drop units off at specific landing beacons. Human units, appearing in the game as the US Colonial Marines, gain credits by killing enemies and repairing atmospheric processors. The population cost of units varies drastically between species. Each species has a population cap that varies by level.

Starting conditions are often dependent on story developments. Players must move through specific objectives in order to advance a level, ranging from killing certain enemies or performing tasks like repairing an object. Each species has a single resource that is used to summon or upgrade units, and methods of unit generation differ radically. Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction is a real-time strategy game with a focus on unit management over base-building and resource gathering.